Celestino Amoroso camoroso
  • Joined on 2021-04-24
camoroso pushed tag v0.5.0 to go-pkg/expr 2024-05-08 21:15:30 +02:00
camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-08 07:53:19 +02:00
8ee0bb5701 Some data-type check functions (e.g. IsInteger()) exported
b2b0bb04c5 formatter.go: number base options added
f3abf5e77c Doc: dev-expr description updated
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-07 07:23:44 +02:00
34b7799177 parser_test.go: test added (mixed number types)
8c3c54913a Doc: dev-expr introduction
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-06 17:33:37 +02:00
5910345c08 operator-{sum,prod}.go: Fixed sum and prod operation with a fraction and a float
8b4dad1381 utils.go: new function isNumOrFract(x); it returns true if x is a float, an integer, ora a fraction
6ef468408c operator-sum.go: Fixed sum of fraction and float
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-06 16:02:42 +02:00
3a30d890c6 operator-assign.go: improvements that allow to define function aliases (TODO: maybe *funcDefFunctor else-if section can be removed
camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-06 15:34:36 +02:00
71ab417a56 funcs_test.go: added many new tests
7cfb89c25c parser_test.go: removed commented code
569dbfda9d expr_test.go: removed temporary test
f342dfe9f3 operand-list.go: ListType constructor functions newList() and newListA()
5378952394 func-string.go: added three new functions (splitStr, startsWithStr, endsWithString) to the 'string' builtin module
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-06 05:53:01 +02:00
539a4b44e9 new test files and some refactorings
74df927179 func-import.go: renamed include() as importAll()
510966c497 operator-insert.go: replaced []any with ListType
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-06 04:24:53 +02:00
c977e82d9e doc/Expr.adoc: description of the selector operator; added operators to the priority table
903f1ae1ce adjusted some error messages and added the section name in logs
9c66056c18 func-math.go: improved error messages reporting wrong datatype of items
f55a48aa26 operator-dot.go: replaced []any with *ListType
434ddee733 operator-context.go: changed priPrePost with priIncDec
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-03 06:39:15 +02:00
0bca3333aa parser_test.go: added tests from 143 to 159 (global coverage is 74.4%)
02b7a6df6c improved the string representation of the content
8d9963207e operator-context.go: now supports contextes that implement the Formatter interface
f9486fa1bd operand-list.go: adding of String() function
360ebce015 improved usability of the list iterator
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-02 11:04:29 +02:00
2c55167dd0 operator-fraction.go: the constructor newFraction() does call simplifyIntegers() on the num e den
c124e880c4 operator-context.go: now it returns function keys too
4db015e4b1 func-math.go: Fixed mul() error: the previous version recursively called doAdd() instead of doMul()
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-01 21:55:43 +02:00
5809de419f func-math.go: mul() and add() now support fractions
7c748f0e31 formatter.go: format options added
cd6b7982ee sum and prod now support fraction too
e00886b1ed operator-fraction.go: many new functions supporting fraction operations
49904f9097 the new ListType type takes the of []any
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-05-01 07:16:36 +02:00
c0c2ab8b4e func-bolerplate.bash: generate Go source for a new functions module
288e93d708 func-string.go: string utils module
92e862da19 common definitions collections
dc6975e56c term.go: better error message in term.toInt()
6a2d3c53fd func-common.go common-errors.go
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-04-28 05:42:17 +02:00
bf8f1a175f modules are now represented by a struct that holds import-function, module description and importa status.
6dd8283308 function-register.go module-register.go
06ab303b9e accessing to the Reset() and Clean()functions of an iterator is now done by identifiers, i.e. reset, not by string, i.e. "reset".
2ccbdb2254 Fixed Clean() and added error message when calling optional missing functions
c5fca70cfc operator-length.go: Fix: the returned value was int, instead of int64
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camoroso pushed tag 0.5.0 to go-pkg/expr 2024-04-27 06:24:13 +02:00
camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-04-27 06:20:20 +02:00
723976b37e merged with datasource-context
361b84f31f moved the exportVar() and exportFunc() functions from data-cursor.go to context-helpers.go
70892aa980 removed commented code
10eec286fa new operator '111123' that returns the content of the current context or the context of an iterator
894b1884eb temporary
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camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-04-26 04:50:53 +02:00
62e16219f7 func-math.go/add: now supports the general iterator interface
750c660331 first working implementation of iterators and some fixes to the parser around lists analysis
7a88449cd1 updated some error messages; add some tests on the dict data-type; Use of reflect.DeepEqual() to compare the test results with the desired results.
b14dc2f1ee provisional implementation of the postfix ++ operator
d354102c6a adapted to the new GetFuncInfo() specification
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camoroso deleted branch hook-traning from go-pkg/expr 2024-04-21 07:26:32 +02:00
camoroso pushed to hook-training at go-pkg/expr 2024-04-21 07:26:32 +02:00
ba1d887a05 commit
faff5a7e2c hook_test next commit
36f6846a3f hook_test first commit
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camoroso created branch hook-training in go-pkg/expr 2024-04-21 07:26:32 +02:00
camoroso pushed to main at go-pkg/expr 2024-04-20 07:43:01 +02:00
730b59e6d3 funcs_test.go, more tests on the int() function
f198ba47e1 new convert function int()
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