2024-05-24 22:51:01 +02:00
// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com).
// All rights reserved.
// operator-index.go
package expr
// -------- index term
func newIndexTerm(tk *Token) (inst *term) {
return &term{
tk: *tk,
children: make([]*term, 0, 2),
position: posInfix,
priority: priDot,
evalFunc: evalIndex,
func verifyKey(indexTerm *term, indexList *ListType) (index any, err error) {
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index = (*indexList)[0]
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func verifyIndex(indexTerm *term, indexList *ListType, maxValue int) (index int, err error) {
var v int
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if v, err = toInt((*indexList)[0], "index expression"); err == nil {
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if v < 0 && v >= -maxValue {
v = maxValue + v
if v >= 0 && v < maxValue {
index = v
} else {
err = indexTerm.Errorf("index %d out of bounds", v)
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func verifyRange(indexTerm *term, indexList *ListType, maxValue int) (startIndex, endIndex int, err error) {
v, _ := ((*indexList)[0]).(*intPair)
startIndex = v.a
endIndex = v.b
if startIndex < 0 && startIndex >= -maxValue {
startIndex = maxValue + startIndex
if endIndex < 0 && endIndex >= -maxValue {
endIndex = maxValue + endIndex + 1
if startIndex < 0 || startIndex > maxValue {
err = indexTerm.Errorf("range start-index %d is out of bounds", startIndex)
} else if endIndex < 0 || endIndex > maxValue {
err = indexTerm.Errorf("range end-index %d is out of bounds", endIndex)
} else if startIndex > endIndex {
err = indexTerm.Errorf("range start-index %d must not be greater than end-index %d", startIndex, endIndex)
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func evalIndex(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
var leftValue, rightValue any
var indexList *ListType
var ok bool
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// if err = self.checkOperands(); err != nil {
// return
// }
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if leftValue, rightValue, err = self.evalInfix(ctx); err != nil {
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indexTerm := self.children[1]
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if indexList, ok = rightValue.(*ListType); !ok {
err = self.Errorf("invalid index expression")
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} else if len(*indexList) != 1 {
err = indexTerm.Errorf("one index only is allowed")
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if IsInteger((*indexList)[0]) {
switch unboxedValue := leftValue.(type) {
case *ListType:
var index int
if index, err = verifyIndex(indexTerm, indexList, len(*unboxedValue)); err == nil {
v = (*unboxedValue)[index]
case string:
var index int
if index, err = verifyIndex(indexTerm, indexList, len(unboxedValue)); err == nil {
v = string(unboxedValue[index])
case *DictType:
var ok bool
var indexValue any
if indexValue, err = verifyKey(indexTerm, indexList); err == nil {
if v, ok = (*unboxedValue)[indexValue]; !ok {
err = indexTerm.Errorf("key %v does not belong to the dictionary", rightValue)
err = self.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
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} else if isIntPair((*indexList)[0]) {
switch unboxedValue := leftValue.(type) {
case *ListType:
var start, end int
if start, end, err = verifyRange(indexTerm, indexList, len(*unboxedValue)); err == nil {
sublist := ListType((*unboxedValue)[start:end])
v = &sublist
case string:
var start, end int
if start, end, err = verifyRange(indexTerm, indexList, len(unboxedValue)); err == nil {
v = unboxedValue[start:end]
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2024-05-26 06:19:08 +02:00
err = self.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
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// init
func init() {
registerTermConstructor(SymIndex, newIndexTerm)