51 lines
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51 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com).
// All rights reserved.
// t_builtin-iterator.go
package expr
import (
func TestFuncRun(t *testing.T) {
section := "Builtin-Iterator"
inputs := []inputType{
/* 1 */ {`builtin "iterator"; it=$(1,2,3); run(it)`, nil, nil},
/* 2 */ {`builtin "iterator"; run($(1,2,3), func(index,item){item+10})`, nil, nil},
/* 3 */ {`builtin "iterator"; run($(1,2,3), func(index,item){it_status=it_status+item; true}, {"it_status":0})`, int64(6), nil},
/* 4 */ {`builtin ["iterator", "fmt"]; run($(1,2,3), func(index,item){println(item+10)})`, nil, nil},
/* 5 */ {`builtin "iterator"; run(nil)`, nil, `paramter "iterator" must be an iterator, passed <nil> [nil]`},
/* 6 */ {`builtin "iterator"; run($(1,2,3), nil)`, nil, `paramter "operator" must be a function, passed <nil> [nil]`},
/* 7 */ {`builtin "iterator"; run($(1,2,3), func(){1}, "prrr")`, nil, `paramter "vars" must be a dictionary, passed prrr [string]`},
//t.Setenv("EXPR_PATH", ".")
//runTestSuiteSpec(t, section, inputs, 3)
runTestSuite(t, section, inputs)
// func TestFmt(t *testing.T) {
// section := "Builtin-Fmt"
// text := "ciao mondo"
// inputs := []inputType{
// /* 1 */ {fmt.Sprintf(`println("%s")`, text), int64(11), nil},
// }
// // t.Setenv("EXPR_PATH", ".")
// var b bytes.Buffer
// ctx := NewSimpleStore()
// currentStdout := SetCtrl(ctx, ControlStdout, &b)
// runCtxTestSuite(t, ctx, section, inputs)
// SetCtrl(ctx, ControlStdout, currentStdout)
// if b.String() != text+"\n" {
// t.Errorf("println(): Got: %q, Want: %q", b.String(), text+"\n")
// }
// }