119 lines
2.9 KiB
119 lines
2.9 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com).
// All rights reserved.
// func-string.go
package expr
import (
// --- Start of function definitions
func doJoinStr(funcName string, sep string, it Iterator) (result any, err error) {
var sb strings.Builder
var v any
for v, err = it.Next(); err == nil; v, err = it.Next() {
if it.Index() > 0 {
if s, ok := v.(string); ok {
} else {
err = errExpectedGot(funcName, typeString, v)
if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
err = nil
result = sb.String()
func joinStrFunc(ctx ExprContext, name string, args []any) (result any, err error) {
if len(args) < 1 {
return nil, errMissingRequiredParameter(name, paramSeparator)
if sep, ok := args[0].(string); ok {
if len(args) == 1 {
result = ""
} else if len(args) == 2 {
if ls, ok := args[1].([]any); ok {
result, err = doJoinStr(name, sep, NewFlatArrayIterator(ls))
} else if it, ok := args[1].(Iterator); ok {
result, err = doJoinStr(name, sep, it)
} else {
err = errInvalidParameterValue(name, paramParts, args[1])
} else {
result, err = doJoinStr(name, sep, NewFlatArrayIterator(args[1:]))
} else {
err = errWrongParamType(name, paramSeparator, typeString, args[0])
func subStrFunc(ctx ExprContext, name string, args []any) (result any, err error) {
var start = 0
var count = -1
var source string
var ok bool
if len(args) < 1 {
return nil, errMissingRequiredParameter(name, paramSource)
if source, ok = args[0].(string); !ok {
return nil, errWrongParamType(name, paramSource, typeString, args[0])
if len(args) > 1 {
if start, err = toInt(args[1], name+"()"); err != nil {
if len(args) > 2 {
if count, err = toInt(args[2], name+"()"); err != nil {
if start < 0 {
start = len(source) + start
if count < 0 {
count = len(source) - start
end := min(start+count, len(source))
result = source[start:end]
func trimStrFunc(ctx ExprContext, name string, args []any) (result any, err error) {
var source string
var ok bool
if len(args) < 1 {
return nil, errMissingRequiredParameter(name, paramSource)
if source, ok = args[0].(string); !ok {
return nil, errWrongParamType(name, paramSource, typeString, args[0])
result = strings.TrimSpace(source)
// --- End of function definitions
// Import above functions in the context
func ImportStringFuncs(ctx ExprContext) {
ctx.RegisterFunc("joinStr", &simpleFunctor{f: joinStrFunc}, 1, -1)
ctx.RegisterFunc("subStr", &simpleFunctor{f: subStrFunc}, 1, -1)
ctx.RegisterFunc("trimStr", &simpleFunctor{f: trimStrFunc}, 1, -1)
// Register the import function in the import-register.
// That will allow to import all function of this module by the "builtin" operator."
func init() {
registerImport("string", ImportStringFuncs, "string utilities")