Doc: little changes

This commit is contained in:
Celestino Amoroso 2024-06-19 22:22:10 +02:00
parent 61d34fef7d
commit 0e3960321f

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@ -396,12 +396,16 @@ _non-empty-list_ = "**[**" _any-value_ {"**,**" _any-value} "**]**" +
`>>>` [blue]`[1,2,3]` [gray]_// List of integers_ +
[green]`[1, 2, 3]`
`>>>` [blue]`["one", "two", "three"]` [gray]_// List of strings_ +
[green]`["one", "two", "three"]`
`>>>` [blue]`["one", 2, false, 4.1]` [gray]_// List of mixed-types_ +
[green]`["one", 2, false, 4.1]`
`>>>` [blue]`["one"+1, 2.0*(9-2)]` [gray]_// List of expressions_ +
[green]`["one1", 14]`
`>>>` [blue]`[ [1,"one"], [2,"two"]]` [gray]_// List of lists_ +
[green]`[[1, "one"], [2, "two"]]`
@ -434,18 +438,25 @@ Array's items can be accessed using the index `[]` operator.
.Items of list
`>>>` [blue]`[1,2,3].1` +
`>>>` [blue]`list=[1,2,3]; list.1` +
`>>>` [blue]`["one","two","three"].1` +
`>>>` [blue]`list=["one","two","three"]; list.(2-1)` +
`>>>` [blue]`list.(-1)` +
`>>>` [blue]`list.(10)` +
[red]`Eval Error: [1:9] index 10 out of bounds`
`>>>` [blue]`#list` +
`>>>` [blue]`index=2; ["a", "b", "c", "d"].index` +