From 3b641ac7931655bf86a882b72ea2f64035695332 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Celestino Amoroso
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 09:06:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Doc: little changes
doc/Expr.adoc | 86 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
doc/Expr.html | 144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
2 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/Expr.adoc b/doc/Expr.adoc
index 9cc90c7..a579344 100644
--- a/doc/Expr.adoc
+++ b/doc/Expr.adoc
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ Expressions calculator
:rouge-style: gruvbox
// :rouge-style: colorful
//:rouge-style: monokay
+// Work around to manage double-column in back-tick quotes
+:2c: ::
-#TODO: Work in progress (last update on 2024/06/17, 16:31 a.m.)#
+#TODO: Work in progress (last update on 2024/06/21, 05:40 a.m.)#
== Expr
_Expr_ is a GO package capable of analysing, interpreting and calculating expressions.
@@ -554,7 +556,7 @@ NOTE: The assign operator [blue]`=` returns the value assigned to the variable.
`>>>` [blue]`a_b` +
-`>>>` [blue]`x = 5.2 * (9-3)` [gray]_// The assigned value has the approximation error typical of the float data-type_ +
+`>>>` [blue]`x = 5.2 * (9-3)` [gray]_// The assigned value has the typical approximation error of the float data-type_ +
`>>>` [blue]`x = 1; y = 2*x` +
@@ -572,6 +574,11 @@ NOTE: The assign operator [blue]`=` returns the value assigned to the variable.
=== [blue]`;` operator
The semicolon operator [blue]`;` is an infixed pseudo-operator. It evaluates the left expression first and then the right expression. The value of the latter is the final result.
+.Mult-expression syntax
+*_multi-expression_* = _expression_ {"**;**" _expression_ }
An expression that contains [blue]`;` is called a _multi-expression_ and each component expressione is called a _sub-expression_.
IMPORTANT: Technically [blue]`;` is not treated as a real operator. It acts as a separator in lists of expressions.
@@ -630,38 +637,47 @@ The [blue]`:` symbol (colon) is the separator of the selector-cases. Note that i
`>>>` [blue]`1 ? {"a"} : {"b"}` +
-[green]`b` +
-`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} : {"b"} :: {"c"}` +
-[green]`c' +
-[green]`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} :[true, 2+8] {"b"} :: {"c"}` +
-[green]`b` +
-`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} :[true, 2+8] {"b"} ::[10] {"c"}` +
-[red]`Parse Error: [1:34] case list in default clause` +
-[green]`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} :[10] {x="b" but x} :: {"c"}` +
-[green]`b` +
-`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} :[10] {x="b"; x} :: {"c"}` +
-[green]`b` +
+`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} : {"b"} {2c} {"c"}` +
+`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} :[true, 2+8] {"b"} {2c} {"c"}` +
+`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} :[true, 2+8] {"b"} {2c} [10] {"c"}` +
+[red]`Parse Error: [1:34] case list in default clause`
+`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} :[10] {x="b" but x} {2c} {"c"}` +
+`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} :[10] {x="b"; x} {2c} {"c"}` +
`>>>` [blue]`10 ? {"a"} : {"b"}` +
[red]`Eval Error: [1:3] no case catches the value (10) of the selection expression`
=== Variable default value [blue]`??` and [blue]`?=`
-The left operand of these two operators must be a variable. The right operator can be any expression. They return the value of the variable if this is define; otherwise they return the value of the right expression.
+The left operand of these two operators must be a variable. The right operator can be any expression. They return the value of the variable if this is defined; otherwise they return the value of the right expression.
-IMPORTANT: If the left variable is defined, the right expression is not evuated at all.
+IMPORTANT: If the left variable is defined, the right expression is not evaluated at all.
-The [blue]`??` do not change the status of the left variable.
+The [blue]`??` operator do not change the status of the left variable.
The [blue]`?=` assigns the calculated value of the right expression to the left variable.
-`>>>` [blue]`var ?? (1+2)`'
-[green]`3` +
+`>>>` [blue]`var ?? (1+2)`' +
`>>>` [blue]`var` +
-[red]`Eval Error: undefined variable or function "var"` +
+[red]`Eval Error: undefined variable or function "var"`
`>>>` [blue]`var ?= (1+2)` +
-[green]`3` +
-`>>>` [blue]`var` +
+`>>>` [blue]`var`
NOTE: These operators have a high priority, in particular higher than the operator [blue]`=`.
@@ -678,6 +694,9 @@ The table below shows all supported operators by decreasing priorities.
| [blue]`[`...`]` | _Postfix_ | _Dict item_ | _dict_ `[` _any_ `]` -> _any_
.2+|*INC*| [blue]`++` | _Postfix_ | _Post increment_| _integer-variable_ `++` -> _integer_
| [blue]`++` | _Postfix_ | _Next item_ | _iterator_ `++` -> _any_
+.2+|*DEFAULT*| [blue]`??` | _Infix_ | _Default value_| _variable_ `??` _any-expr_ -> _any_
+| [blue]`?=` | _Infix_ | _Default/assign value_| _variable_ `?=` _any-expr_ -> _any_
+.1+| *ITER*^1^| [blue]`()` | _Prefix_ | _Iterator value_ | `()` _iterator_ -> _any_
.1+|*FACT*| [blue]`!` | _Postfix_ | _Factorial_| _integer_ `!` -> _integer_
.3+|*SIGN*| [blue]`+`, [blue]`-` | _Prefix_ | _Change-sign_| (`+`\|`-`) _number_ -> _number_
| [blue]`#` | _Prefix_ | _Lenght-of_ | `#` _collection_ -> _integer_
@@ -716,19 +735,38 @@ The table below shows all supported operators by decreasing priorities.
.1+|*RANGE*| [blue]`:` | _Infix_ | _Index-range_ | _integer_ `:` _integer_ -> _integer-pair_
+^1^ Experimental
== Functions
Functions in _Expr_ are very similar to functions available in many programming languages. Actually, _Expr_ supports two types of function, _expr-functions_ and _go-functions_.
* _expr-functions_ are defined using _Expr_'s syntax. They can be passed as arguments to other functions and can be returned from functions. Moreover, they bind themselves to the defining context, thus becoming closures.
* _go-functions_ are regular Golang functions callable from _Expr_ expressions. They are defined in Golang source files called _modules_ and compiled within the _Expr_ package. To make Golang functions available in _Expr_ contextes, it is required to _import_ the module in which they are defined.
-In _Expr_ functions compute values in a local context (scope) that do not make effects on the calling context. This is the normal behavior. Using the reference operator [blue]`@` it is possibile to export local definition to the calling context.
+=== _Expr_ function definition
+A function is identified and referenced by its name. It can have zero or more parameter. _Expr_ functions also support optional parameters.
+. Expr's function definition syntax
+*_function-definition_* = _identifier_ "**=**" "**func(**" [_param-list_] "**)**" "**{**" _multi-expression_ "**}**"
+_param_list_ = _required-param-list_ [ "**,**" _optional-param-list_ ]
+_required-param-list_ = _identifier_ { "**,**" _identifier_ }
+_optional-param-list_ = _optional-parm_ { "**,**" _optional-param_ }
+_optional-param_ = _identifier_ "**=**" _any-expr_
+=== _Golang_ function definition
+Description of how to define Golan functions and how to bind them to _Expr_ are topics treated in another document that I'll write, one day, maybe.
=== Function calls
#TODO: function calls operations#
-=== Function definitions
-#TODO: function definitions operations#
+Functions compute values in a local context (scope) that do not make effects on the calling context. This is the normal behavior. Using the reference operator [blue]`@` it is possibile to export local definition to the calling context.
== Iterators
diff --git a/doc/Expr.html b/doc/Expr.html
index 33b15af..a36166c 100644
--- a/doc/Expr.html
+++ b/doc/Expr.html
@@ -573,8 +573,9 @@ pre.rouge .ss {
5. Priorities of operators
6. Functions
7. Iterators
@@ -593,7 +594,7 @@ pre.rouge .ss {
TODO: Work in progress (last update on 2024/06/17, 16:31 a.m.)
TODO: Work in progress (last update on 2024/06/21, 05:40 a.m.)
@@ -1581,7 +1582,7 @@ The assign operator =
returns the value assigned to th
x = 5.2 * (9-3)
// The assigned value has the approximation error typical of the float data-type
x = 5.2 * (9-3)
// The assigned value has the typical approximation error of the float data-type
@@ -1606,6 +1607,14 @@ The assign operator
returns the value assigned to th
The semicolon operator ;
is an infixed pseudo-operator. It evaluates the left expression first and then the right expression. The value of the latter is the final result.
Example 12. Mult-expression syntax
multi-expression = expression {";" expression }
An expression that contains ;
is called a multi-expression and each component expressione is called a sub-expression.
@@ -1704,25 +1713,37 @@ Technically
is not treated as a real operator. It ac
1 ? {"a"} : {"b"}
10 ? {"a"} : {"b"} :: {"c"}
>>>` 10 ? {"a"} :[true, 2+8] {"b"} :: {"c"}
10 ? {"a"} :[true, 2+8] {"b"} ::[10] {"c"}
-Parse Error: [1:34] case list in default clause
10 ? {"a"} :[10] {x="b" but x} :: {"c"}
10 ? {"a"} :[10] {x="b"; x} :: {"c"}
10 ? {"a"} : {"b"}
10 ? {"a"} : {"b"} :: {"c"}
10 ? {"a"} :[true, 2+8] {"b"} :: {"c"}
10 ? {"a"} :[true, 2+8] {"b"} :: [10] {"c"}
+Parse Error: [1:34] case list in default clause
10 ? {"a"} :[10] {x="b" but x} :: {"c"}
10 ? {"a"} :[10] {x="b"; x} :: {"c"}
10 ? {"a"} : {"b"}
Eval Error: [1:3] no case catches the value (10) of the selection expression
The left operand of these two operators must be a variable. The right operator can be any expression. They return the value of the variable if this is define; otherwise they return the value of the right expression.
The left operand of these two operators must be a variable. The right operator can be any expression. They return the value of the variable if this is defined; otherwise they return the value of the right expression.
@@ -1731,26 +1752,32 @@ Technically ;
is not treated as a real operator. It ac
-If the left variable is defined, the right expression is not evuated at all.
+If the left variable is defined, the right expression is not evaluated at all.
The ??
do not change the status of the left variable.
The ??
operator do not change the status of the left variable.
The ?=
assigns the calculated value of the right expression to the left variable.
var ?? (1+2)’
-Eval Error: undefined variable or function "var"
var ?= (1+2)
var ?? (1+2)’
+Eval Error: undefined variable or function "var"
@@ -1820,6 +1847,26 @@ These operators have a high priority, in particular higher than the operator
iterator ++
→ any
+Infix |
+Default value |
+variable ?? any-expr → any |
+Infix |
+Default/assign value |
+variable ?= any-expr → any |
+ITER1 |
+Prefix |
+Iterator value |
+() iterator → any
Postfix |
@@ -2050,6 +2097,9 @@ These operators have a high priority, in particular higher than the operator
@@ -2068,19 +2118,47 @@ These operators have a high priority, in particular higher than the operator
In Expr functions compute values in a local context (scope) that do not make effects on the calling context. This is the normal behavior. Using the reference operator @
it is possibile to export local definition to the calling context.
A function is identified and referenced by its name. It can have zero or more parameter. Expr functions also support optional parameters.
Expr’s function definition syntax
function-definition = identifier "=" "func(" [param-list] ")" "{" multi-expression "}"
+param_list = required-param-list [ "," optional-param-list ]
+required-param-list = identifier { "," identifier }
+optional-param-list = optional-parm { "," optional-param }
+optional-param = identifier "=" any-expr
Description of how to define Golan functions and how to bind them to Expr are topics treated in another document that I’ll write, one day, maybe.
TODO: function calls operations
TODO: function definitions operations
Functions compute values in a local context (scope) that do not make effects on the calling context. This is the normal behavior. Using the reference operator @
it is possibile to export local definition to the calling context.
@@ -2122,7 +2200,7 @@ These operators have a high priority, in particular higher than the operator