760c1ee6daNew bitwise XOR operator specified by symbol ^ (caret). Iterator dereference is now done by prefixed * (star)
Celestino Amoroso2025-01-03 07:31:45 +0100
eccb0c4dc9Added new special operators like &= and <<=. Also made a litle change to scanner function moveOn(): now it moves on the last char passed and only if there are more than one chars.Celestino Amoroso2024-12-29 19:26:02 +0100
d91e7eb979The list operator '<<' (append) and '>>' (prepend) have been replaced with the new operators '<+' and '+>' respectively. '<<' and '>>' are now used only for left and right binary shit respectively. Further, their priority has been increased moving them to a higher priority than that of the assignment operator.Celestino Amoroso2024-12-28 09:17:27 +0100
4725145d1cDoc: changed fraction symbol and introduced binary operatorsCelestino Amoroso2024-12-25 07:43:06 +0100
edf8818f51New dedicated priority for binary operators between relational and sum onesCelestino Amoroso2024-12-25 07:41:08 +0100
6211be8a8fCompleted transition of the symbol '|' from fraction to operator binary or. New fraction symbol is ':'. Also, fixed and improved some parsing sections concerning collection indeces and rangesCelestino Amoroso2024-12-23 06:59:39 +0100
f50ddf48dboperator-range.go: range-term registered with symbol SymRangeCelestino Amoroso2024-12-23 06:55:57 +0100
de87050188scanner.go: removed SymTilde from DefaultTranslatios() -> It is not an alias for the SymNot symbol any moreCelestino Amoroso2024-12-19 15:30:29 +0100
6ee21e10afNew, more flexible, parser context datatype that includes and extends the previous flags allowForest and allowVarRef. Added binary operator (work in progress). Better implementation of +=,-=,*=, and /= (new) operators.Celestino Amoroso2024-12-19 14:48:27 +0100
4b176eb868Fix function.go: CallFunctionByParams() dit not pass correctly received actual paramsCelestino Amoroso2024-08-23 10:29:57 +0200
dceb31f542CallFunction() has been replaced by three new functions: CallFunctionByTerm(), CallFunctionByArgs() and CallFunctionByParams()
Celestino Amoroso2024-08-02 06:39:33 +0200
1a1a475dd8Added support to op-assign operators like '+='. This feature is implemented by expansion, not by dedicated operators, e.g. a*=2+x is exapanded as a=a*(2+x)Celestino Amoroso2024-07-23 15:35:57 +0200
463e3634bascanner.go: New function UnreadToken(). Currently it only supports one staging level.Celestino Amoroso2024-07-23 15:32:25 +0200
315f5b22d3data-cursor.go: the inizialization of the current item is done in the Next() method. This allows the application of the filter and map operator to the first item too.
Celestino Amoroso2024-07-23 05:46:37 +0200
00fda29606operator-iter-value.go: prefix operator () used to get the current value of an iterator replaced by ^Celestino Amoroso2024-07-13 17:17:16 +0200
2a2840bdf2ListIterator now implements next and current command (e.g it.next)Celestino Amoroso2024-07-13 17:15:53 +0200
032916d4faNew operator unset to delete variables and functions from current contextCelestino Amoroso2024-07-13 09:01:59 +0200
f3cc0cc7adoperator-include.go: Fixed inclusion of a list of files. Now returns the value of the last evaluated expression.Celestino Amoroso2024-07-13 09:00:53 +0200
905337f963ExprContext: new functions VarCount(), DeleteVar(), FuncCount(), DeleteFunc()Celestino Amoroso2024-07-13 08:59:15 +0200
a02f998fc6t_iterator_test.go: Fixed test numbering and add a commentend test that is not yet fulfilled
Celestino Amoroso2024-07-11 07:23:35 +0200