// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com).
// All rights reserved.

// data-cursors.go
package expr

import (

type dataCursor struct {
	ds        map[string]Functor
	ctx       ExprContext
	initState bool // true if no item has produced yet (this replace di initial Next() call in the contructor)
	// cursorValid bool // true if resource is nil or if clean has not yet been called
	index     int
	count     int
	current   any
	lastErr   error
	resource  any
	nextFunc  Functor
	cleanFunc Functor
	resetFunc Functor

func NewDataCursor(ctx ExprContext, ds map[string]Functor, resource any) (dc *dataCursor) {
	dc = &dataCursor{
		ds:        ds,
		initState: true,
		// cursorValid: true,
		index:     -1,
		count:     0,
		current:   nil,
		lastErr:   nil,
		resource:  resource,
		ctx:       ctx.Clone(),
		nextFunc:  ds[NextName],
		cleanFunc: ds[CleanName],
		resetFunc: ds[ResetName],

func (dc *dataCursor) Context() ExprContext {
	return dc.ctx

func (dc *dataCursor) TypeName() string {
	return "DataCursor"

// func mapToString(m map[string]Functor) string {
// 	var sb strings.Builder
// 	sb.WriteByte('{')
// 	for key, _ := range m {
// 		if sb.Len() > 1 {
// 			sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(", %q: func(){}", key))
// 		} else {
// 			sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%q: func(){}", key))
// 		}
// 	}
// 	sb.WriteByte('}')
// 	return sb.String()
// }

func (dc *dataCursor) String() string {
	return "$()"
	   var sb strings.Builder
	   index: %d,
	   ds:    %s,
	   ctx:   `, dc.index, mapToString(dc.ds)))
	   CtxToBuilder(&sb, dc.ctx, 1)
	   return sb.String()

func (dc *dataCursor) HasOperation(name string) (exists bool) {
	exists = slices.Contains([]string{CleanName, ResetName, CurrentName, IndexName}, name)
	if !exists {
		f, ok := dc.ds[name]
		exists = ok && isFunctor(f)

func (dc *dataCursor) CallOperation(name string, args map[string]any) (value any, err error) {
	if name == IndexName {
		value = int64(dc.Index())
	} else if name == CleanName {
		err = dc.Clean()
	} else if name == ResetName {
		err = dc.Reset()
	} else if functor, ok := dc.ds[name]; ok && isFunctor(functor) {
		ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)
		value, err = functor.InvokeNamed(ctx, name, args)
		exportObjects(dc.ctx, ctx)
	} else {
		err = errNoOperation(name)

// func (dc *dataCursor) Reset() (err error) {
// 	if dc.resetFunc != nil {
// 		if dc.resource != nil {
// 			ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)
// 			actualParams := bindActualParams(dc.resetFunc, []any{dc.resource})
// 			_, err = dc.resetFunc.InvokeNamed(ctx, ResetName, actualParams)
// 			exportObjects(dc.ctx, ctx)
// 			dc.index = -1
// 			dc.count = 0
// 			dc.initState = true
// 			dc.current = nil
// 			dc.lastErr = nil
// 		} else {
// 			err = errInvalidDataSource()
// 		}
// 	} else {
// 		err = errNoOperation(ResetName)
// 	}
// 	return
// }

func (dc *dataCursor) Reset() (err error) {
	if dc.resetFunc != nil {
		ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)
		actualParams := bindActualParams(dc.resetFunc, []any{dc.resource})
		_, err = dc.resetFunc.InvokeNamed(ctx, ResetName, actualParams)
		exportObjects(dc.ctx, ctx)
	dc.index = -1
	dc.count = 0
	dc.initState = true
	dc.current = nil
	dc.lastErr = nil

func (dc *dataCursor) Clean() (err error) {
	if dc.cleanFunc != nil {
		ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)
		actualParams := bindActualParams(dc.cleanFunc, []any{dc.resource})
		_, err = dc.cleanFunc.InvokeNamed(ctx, CleanName, actualParams)
		exportObjects(dc.ctx, ctx)
	dc.lastErr = io.EOF

// func (dc *dataCursor) Clean() (err error) {
// 	if dc.cleanFunc != nil {
// 		if dc.resource != nil {
// 			ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)
// 			actualParams := bindActualParams(dc.cleanFunc, []any{dc.resource})
// 			_, err = dc.cleanFunc.InvokeNamed(ctx, CleanName, actualParams)
// 			exportObjects(dc.ctx, ctx)
// 		} else {
// 			err = errInvalidDataSource()
// 		}
// 	} else {
// 		err = errNoOperation(CleanName)
// 	}
// 	return
// }

func (dc *dataCursor) Current() (item any, err error) { // must return io.EOF at the last item

	if dc.current != nil {
		item = dc.current
	} else {
		err = io.EOF

func (dc *dataCursor) checkFilter(filter Functor, item any) (accepted bool, err error) {
	var v any
	var ok bool
	ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)

	actualParams := bindActualParams(filter, []any{item, dc.index})
	if v, err = filter.InvokeNamed(ctx, FilterName, actualParams); err == nil && v != nil {
		if accepted, ok = v.(bool); !ok {
			accepted = true // NOTE: A non-boolean value that is not nil means the item has been accepted

func (dc *dataCursor) mapItem(mapper Functor, item any) (mappedItem any, err error) {
	ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)
	actualParams := bindActualParams(mapper, []any{item, dc.index})
	mappedItem, err = mapper.InvokeNamed(ctx, MapName, actualParams)

func (dc *dataCursor) init() {
	if dc.initState {
		dc.initState = false

func (dc *dataCursor) Next() (current any, err error) { // must return io.EOF after the last item
	if dc.initState {
	} else if err = dc.lastErr; err != nil {
	current = dc.current
	filter := dc.ds[FilterName]
	mapper := dc.ds[MapName]
	var item any
	for item == nil && dc.lastErr == nil {
		ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)

		actualParams := bindActualParams(dc.nextFunc, []any{dc.resource, dc.index})
		if item, dc.lastErr = dc.nextFunc.InvokeNamed(ctx, NextName, actualParams); dc.lastErr == nil {
			if item == nil {
				dc.lastErr = io.EOF
			} else {
				accepted := true
				if filter != nil {
					if accepted, dc.lastErr = dc.checkFilter(filter, item); dc.lastErr != nil || !accepted {
						item = nil
				if accepted {
				if item != nil && mapper != nil {
					item, dc.lastErr = dc.mapItem(mapper, item)
		exportObjects(dc.ctx, ctx)
	dc.current = item
	if dc.lastErr != nil {

// func (dc *dataCursor) Next() (current any, err error) { // must return io.EOF after the last item
// 	if dc.initState {
// 		dc.init()
// 	} else if err = dc.lastErr; err != nil {
// 		return
// 	}
// 	current = dc.current
// 	if dc.resource != nil {
// 		filter := dc.ds[FilterName]
// 		mapper := dc.ds[MapName]
// 		var item any
// 		for item == nil && dc.lastErr == nil {
// 			ctx := cloneContext(dc.ctx)
// 			dc.index++

// 			actualParams := bindActualParams(dc.nextFunc, []any{dc.resource, dc.index})
// 			if item, dc.lastErr = dc.nextFunc.InvokeNamed(ctx, NextName, actualParams); dc.lastErr == nil {
// 				if item == nil {
// 					dc.lastErr = io.EOF
// 				} else {
// 					accepted := true
// 					if filter != nil {
// 						if accepted, dc.lastErr = dc.checkFilter(filter, item); dc.lastErr != nil || !accepted {
// 							item = nil
// 						}
// 					}
// 					if accepted {
// 						dc.count++
// 					}
// 					if item != nil && mapper != nil {
// 						item, dc.lastErr = dc.mapItem(mapper, item)
// 					}
// 				}
// 			}
// 			exportObjects(dc.ctx, ctx)
// 		}
// 		dc.current = item
// 		if dc.lastErr != nil {
// 			dc.index--
// 			dc.Clean()
// 		}
// 	} else {
// 		dc.lastErr = errInvalidDataSource()
// 	}
// 	return
// }

func (dc *dataCursor) Index() int {
	return dc.index - 1

func (dc *dataCursor) Count() int {
	return dc.count