// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com). // All rights reserved. // simple-func-store.go package expr import ( "fmt" "slices" "strings" ) type SimpleFuncStore struct { SimpleVarStore funcStore map[string]*funcInfo } type paramFlags uint16 const ( pfOptional paramFlags = 1 << iota pfRepeat ) type funcParamInfo struct { name string flags paramFlags defaultValue any } func newFuncParam(name string) *funcParamInfo { return &funcParamInfo{name: name} } func newFuncParamFlag(name string, flags paramFlags) *funcParamInfo { return &funcParamInfo{name: name, flags: flags} } func newFuncParamFlagDef(name string, flags paramFlags, defValue any) *funcParamInfo { return &funcParamInfo{name: name, flags: flags, defaultValue: defValue} } func (param *funcParamInfo) Name() string { return param.name } func (param *funcParamInfo) Type() string { return "any" } func (param *funcParamInfo) IsOptional() bool { return (param.flags & pfOptional) != 0 } func (param *funcParamInfo) IsRepeat() bool { return (param.flags & pfRepeat) != 0 } func (param *funcParamInfo) DefaultValue() any { return param.defaultValue } type funcInfo struct { name string minArgs int maxArgs int functor Functor params []ExprFuncParam returnType string } func (info *funcInfo) Params() []ExprFuncParam { return info.params } func (info *funcInfo) ReturnType() string { return info.returnType } func (info *funcInfo) ToString(opt FmtOpt) string { var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteByte('(') if info.params != nil { for i, p := range info.params { if i > 0 { sb.WriteString(", ") } sb.WriteString(p.Name()) if p.IsOptional() { sb.WriteByte('=') if s, ok := p.DefaultValue().(string); ok { sb.WriteByte('"') sb.WriteString(s) sb.WriteByte('"') } else { sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", p.DefaultValue())) } } } } if info.maxArgs < 0 { sb.WriteString(" ...") } sb.WriteString(") -> ") if len(info.returnType) > 0 { sb.WriteString(info.returnType) } else { sb.WriteString(typeAny) } return sb.String() } func (info *funcInfo) Name() string { return info.name } func (info *funcInfo) MinArgs() int { return info.minArgs } func (info *funcInfo) MaxArgs() int { return info.maxArgs } func (info *funcInfo) Functor() Functor { return info.functor } func NewSimpleFuncStore() *SimpleFuncStore { ctx := &SimpleFuncStore{ SimpleVarStore: SimpleVarStore{varStore: make(map[string]any)}, funcStore: make(map[string]*funcInfo), } //ImportBuiltinsFuncs(ctx) return ctx } func (ctx *SimpleFuncStore) Clone() ExprContext { svs := ctx.SimpleVarStore return &SimpleFuncStore{ // SimpleVarStore: SimpleVarStore{varStore: CloneMap(ctx.varStore)}, SimpleVarStore: SimpleVarStore{varStore: svs.cloneVars()}, funcStore: CloneFilteredMap(ctx.funcStore, func(name string) bool { return name[0] != '@' }), } } func funcsCtxToBuilder(sb *strings.Builder, ctx ExprContext, indent int) { sb.WriteString("funcs: {\n") first := true names := ctx.EnumFuncs(func(name string) bool { return true }) slices.Sort(names) for _, name := range names { if first { first = false } else { sb.WriteByte(',') sb.WriteByte('\n') } value, _ := ctx.GetFuncInfo(name) sb.WriteString(strings.Repeat("\t", indent+1)) sb.WriteString(name) //sb.WriteString("=") if formatter, ok := value.(Formatter); ok { sb.WriteString(formatter.ToString(0)) } else { sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)) } } sb.WriteString("\n}\n") } func (ctx *SimpleFuncStore) ToString(opt FmtOpt) string { var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString(ctx.SimpleVarStore.ToString(opt)) funcsCtxToBuilder(&sb, ctx, 0) return sb.String() } func (ctx *SimpleFuncStore) GetFuncInfo(name string) (info ExprFunc, exists bool) { info, exists = ctx.funcStore[name] return } // func (ctx *SimpleFuncStore) RegisterFunc(name string, functor Functor, minArgs, maxArgs int) { // ctx.funcStore[name] = &funcInfo{name: name, minArgs: minArgs, maxArgs: maxArgs, functor: functor} // } func (ctx *SimpleFuncStore) RegisterFuncInfo(info ExprFunc) { ctx.funcStore[info.Name()], _ = info.(*funcInfo) } func (ctx *SimpleFuncStore) RegisterFunc2(name string, functor Functor, returnType string, params []ExprFuncParam) error { var minArgs = 0 var maxArgs = 0 if params != nil { for _, p := range params { if maxArgs == -1 { return fmt.Errorf("no more params can be specified after the ellipsis symbol: %q", p.Name()) // } else if p.IsRepeat() { // maxArgs = -1 // continue } if p.IsOptional() { maxArgs++ } else if maxArgs == minArgs { minArgs++ maxArgs++ } else { return fmt.Errorf("can't specify non-optional param after optional ones: %q", p.Name()) } if p.IsRepeat() { maxArgs = -1 } } } ctx.funcStore[name] = &funcInfo{ name: name, minArgs: minArgs, maxArgs: maxArgs, functor: functor, returnType: returnType, params: params, } return nil } func (ctx *SimpleFuncStore) EnumFuncs(acceptor func(name string) (accept bool)) (funcNames []string) { funcNames = make([]string, 0) for name := range ctx.funcStore { if acceptor != nil { if acceptor(name) { funcNames = append(funcNames, name) } } else { funcNames = append(funcNames, name) } } return } func (ctx *SimpleFuncStore) Call(name string, args []any) (result any, err error) { if info, exists := ctx.funcStore[name]; exists { functor := info.functor result, err = functor.Invoke(ctx, name, args) } else { err = fmt.Errorf("unknown function %s()", name) } return }