// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com). // All rights reserved. // t_list_test.go package expr import ( "errors" "testing" ) func TestListParser(t *testing.T) { section := "List" inputs := []inputType{ /* 1 */ {`[]`, newListA(), nil}, /* 2 */ {`[1,2,3]`, newListA(int64(1), int64(2), int64(3)), nil}, /* 3 */ {`[1,2,"hello"]`, newListA(int64(1), int64(2), "hello"), nil}, /* 4 */ {`[1+2, not true, "hello"]`, newListA(int64(3), false, "hello"), nil}, /* 5 */ {`[1,2]+[3]`, newListA(int64(1), int64(2), int64(3)), nil}, /* 6 */ {`[1,4,3,2]-[3]`, newListA(int64(1), int64(4), int64(2)), nil}, /* 7 */ {`add([1,4,3,2])`, int64(10), nil}, /* 8 */ {`add([1,[2,2],3,2])`, int64(10), nil}, /* 9 */ {`mul([1,4,3.0,2])`, float64(24.0), nil}, /* 10 */ {`add([1,"hello"])`, nil, errors.New(`add(): param nr 2 (2 in 1) has wrong type string, number expected`)}, /* 11 */ {`[a=1,b=2,c=3] but a+b+c`, int64(6), nil}, /* 12 */ {`[1,2,3] << 2+2`, newListA(int64(1), int64(2), int64(3), int64(4)), nil}, /* 13 */ {`2-1 >> [2,3]`, newListA(int64(1), int64(2), int64(3)), nil}, /* 14 */ {`[1,2,3][1]`, int64(2), nil}, /* 15 */ {`ls=[1,2,3] but ls[1]`, int64(2), nil}, /* 16 */ {`ls=[1,2,3] but ls[-1]`, int64(3), nil}, /* 17 */ {`list=["one","two","three"]; list[10]`, nil, errors.New(`[1:34] index 10 out of bounds`)}, /* 18 */ {`["a", "b", "c"]`, newListA("a", "b", "c"), nil}, /* 19 */ {`["a", "b", "c"]`, newList([]any{"a", "b", "c"}), nil}, /* 20 */ {`#["a", "b", "c"]`, int64(3), nil}, /* 21 */ {`"b" in ["a", "b", "c"]`, true, nil}, /* 22 */ {`a=[1,2]; (a)<<3`, newListA(int64(1), int64(2), int64(3)), nil}, /* 23 */ {`a=[1,2]; (a)<<3; a`, newListA(int64(1), int64(2)), nil}, /* 24 */ {`["a","b","c","d"][1]`, "b", nil}, /* 25 */ {`["a","b","c","d"][1,1]`, nil, errors.New(`[1:19] one index only is allowed`)}, /* 26 */ {`[0,1,2,3,4][:]`, newListA(int64(0), int64(1), int64(2), int64(3), int64(4)), nil}, /* 27 */ {`["a", "b", "c"] << ;`, nil, errors.New(`[1:18] infix operator "<<" requires two non-nil operands, got 1`)}, /* 28 */ {`2 << 3;`, nil, errors.New(`[1:4] left operand '2' [integer] and right operand '3' [integer] are not compatible with operator "<<"`)}, /* 29 */ {`but >> ["a", "b", "c"]`, nil, errors.New(`[1:6] infix operator ">>" requires two non-nil operands, got 0`)}, /* 30 */ {`2 >> 3;`, nil, errors.New(`[1:4] left operand '2' [integer] and right operand '3' [integer] are not compatible with operator ">>"`)}, /* 31 */ {`a=[1,2]; a<<3`, newListA(int64(1), int64(2), int64(3)), nil}, /* 33 */ {`a=[1,2]; 5>>a`, newListA(int64(5), int64(1), int64(2)), nil}, /* 34 */ {`L=[1,2]; L[0]=9; L`, newListA(int64(9), int64(2)), nil}, /* 35 */ {`L=[1,2]; L[5]=9; L`, nil, errors.New(`index 5 out of bounds (0, 1)`)}, /* 36 */ {`L=[1,2]; L[]=9; L`, nil, errors.New(`[1:12] index/key specification expected, got [] [list]`)}, /* 37 */ {`L=[1,2]; L[nil]=9;`, nil, errors.New(`[1:12] index/key is nil`)}, // /* 8 */ {`[int(x)|x=csv("test.csv",1,all(),1)]`, []any{int64(10), int64(40), int64(20)}, nil}, // /* 9 */ {`sum(@[int(x)|x=csv("test.csv",1,all(),1)])`, []any{int64(10), int64(40), int64(20)}, nil}, } // t.Setenv("EXPR_PATH", ".") // parserTestSpec(t, section, inputs, 17) parserTest(t, section, inputs) }