
176 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com).
// All rights reserved.
// operator-bool.go
package expr
import "fmt"
//-------- NOT term
func newNotTerm(tk *Token) (inst *term) {
return &term{
tk: *tk,
children: make([]*term, 0, 1),
position: posPrefix,
priority: priNot,
evalFunc: evalNot,
func evalNot(ctx ExprContext, opTerm *term) (v any, err error) {
var rightValue any
if rightValue, err = opTerm.evalPrefix(ctx); err != nil {
if b, ok := ToBool(rightValue); ok {
v = !b
} else {
err = opTerm.errIncompatibleType(rightValue)
//-------- AND term
func newAndTerm(tk *Token) (inst *term) {
return &term{
tk: *tk,
children: make([]*term, 0, 2),
position: posInfix,
priority: priAnd,
evalFunc: evalAnd,
func evalAnd(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
if CtrlIsEnabled(ctx, ControlBoolShortcut) {
v, err = evalAndWithShortcut(ctx, self)
} else {
v, err = evalAndWithoutShortcut(ctx, self)
func evalAndWithoutShortcut(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
var leftValue, rightValue any
var leftBool, rightBool bool
var lok, rok bool
if leftValue, rightValue, err = self.evalInfix(ctx); err != nil {
leftBool, lok = ToBool(leftValue)
rightBool, rok = ToBool(rightValue)
if lok && rok {
v = leftBool && rightBool
} else {
err = self.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
func evalAndWithShortcut(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
var leftValue, rightValue any
if err = self.checkOperands(); err != nil {
if leftValue, err = self.children[0].compute(ctx); err != nil {
if leftBool, lok := ToBool(leftValue); !lok {
err = fmt.Errorf("got %s as left operand type of 'AND' operator, it must be bool", TypeName(leftValue))
} else if !leftBool {
v = false
} else if rightValue, err = self.children[1].compute(ctx); err == nil {
if rightBool, rok := ToBool(rightValue); rok {
v = rightBool
} else {
err = self.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
//-------- OR term
func newOrTerm(tk *Token) (inst *term) {
return &term{
tk: *tk,
children: make([]*term, 0, 2),
position: posInfix,
priority: priOr,
evalFunc: evalOr,
func evalOr(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
if CtrlIsEnabled(ctx, ControlBoolShortcut) {
v, err = evalOrWithShortcut(ctx, self)
} else {
v, err = evalOrWithoutShortcut(ctx, self)
func evalOrWithoutShortcut(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
var leftValue, rightValue any
var leftBool, rightBool bool
var lok, rok bool
if leftValue, rightValue, err = self.evalInfix(ctx); err != nil {
leftBool, lok = ToBool(leftValue)
rightBool, rok = ToBool(rightValue)
if lok && rok {
v = leftBool || rightBool
} else {
err = self.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
func evalOrWithShortcut(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
var leftValue, rightValue any
if err = self.checkOperands(); err != nil {
if leftValue, err = self.children[0].compute(ctx); err != nil {
if leftBool, lok := ToBool(leftValue); !lok {
err = fmt.Errorf("got %s as left operand type of 'OR' operator, it must be bool", TypeName(leftValue))
} else if leftBool {
v = true
} else if rightValue, err = self.children[1].compute(ctx); err == nil {
if rightBool, rok := ToBool(rightValue); rok {
v = rightBool
} else {
err = self.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
// init
func init() {
registerTermConstructor(SymNot, newNotTerm)
registerTermConstructor(SymAnd, newAndTerm)
registerTermConstructor(SymOr, newOrTerm)