Celestino Amoroso 6ee21e10af New, more flexible, parser context datatype that includes and extends
the previous flags allowForest and allowVarRef.
Added binary operator (work in progress).
Better implementation of +=,-=,*=, and /= (new) operators.
2024-12-19 14:48:27 +01:00

185 lines
5.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com).
// All rights reserved.
// operator-sum.go
package expr
import (
//-------- plus term
func newPlusTerm(tk *Token) (inst *term) {
return &term{
tk: *tk,
children: make([]*term, 0, 2),
position: posInfix,
priority: priSum,
evalFunc: evalPlus,
func sumValues(plusTerm *term, leftValue, rightValue any) (v any, err error) {
if (IsString(leftValue) && isNumberString(rightValue)) || (IsString(rightValue) && isNumberString(leftValue)) {
v = fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", leftValue, rightValue)
} else if IsNumber(leftValue) && IsNumber(rightValue) {
if IsFloat(leftValue) || IsFloat(rightValue) {
v = numAsFloat(leftValue) + numAsFloat(rightValue)
} else {
leftInt, _ := leftValue.(int64)
rightInt, _ := rightValue.(int64)
v = leftInt + rightInt
} else if IsList(leftValue) && IsList(rightValue) {
var leftList, rightList *ListType
leftList, _ = leftValue.(*ListType)
rightList, _ = rightValue.(*ListType)
sumList := make(ListType, 0, len(*leftList)+len(*rightList))
sumList = append(sumList, *leftList...)
sumList = append(sumList, *rightList...)
v = &sumList
} else if (isFraction(leftValue) && IsNumber(rightValue)) || (isFraction(rightValue) && IsNumber(leftValue)) {
if IsFloat(leftValue) || IsFloat(rightValue) {
v = numAsFloat(leftValue) + numAsFloat(rightValue)
} else {
v, err = sumAnyFract(leftValue, rightValue)
} else if IsDict(leftValue) && IsDict(rightValue) {
leftDict, _ := leftValue.(*DictType)
rightDict, _ := rightValue.(*DictType)
c := leftDict.clone()
v = c
} else {
err = plusTerm.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
return v, err
func evalPlus(ctx ExprContext, plusTerm *term) (v any, err error) {
var leftValue, rightValue any
if leftValue, rightValue, err = plusTerm.evalInfix(ctx); err != nil {
return sumValues(plusTerm, leftValue, rightValue)
// if (IsString(leftValue) && isNumberString(rightValue)) || (IsString(rightValue) && isNumberString(leftValue)) {
// v = fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", leftValue, rightValue)
// } else if IsNumber(leftValue) && IsNumber(rightValue) {
// if IsFloat(leftValue) || IsFloat(rightValue) {
// v = numAsFloat(leftValue) + numAsFloat(rightValue)
// } else {
// leftInt, _ := leftValue.(int64)
// rightInt, _ := rightValue.(int64)
// v = leftInt + rightInt
// }
// } else if IsList(leftValue) && IsList(rightValue) {
// var leftList, rightList *ListType
// leftList, _ = leftValue.(*ListType)
// rightList, _ = rightValue.(*ListType)
// sumList := make(ListType, 0, len(*leftList)+len(*rightList))
// sumList = append(sumList, *leftList...)
// sumList = append(sumList, *rightList...)
// v = &sumList
// } else if (isFraction(leftValue) && IsNumber(rightValue)) || (isFraction(rightValue) && IsNumber(leftValue)) {
// if IsFloat(leftValue) || IsFloat(rightValue) {
// v = numAsFloat(leftValue) + numAsFloat(rightValue)
// } else {
// v, err = sumAnyFract(leftValue, rightValue)
// }
// } else if IsDict(leftValue) && IsDict(rightValue) {
// leftDict, _ := leftValue.(*DictType)
// rightDict, _ := rightValue.(*DictType)
// c := leftDict.clone()
// c.merge(rightDict)
// v = c
// } else {
// err = plusTerm.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
// }
// return
//-------- minus term
func newMinusTerm(tk *Token) (inst *term) {
return &term{
tk: *tk,
children: make([]*term, 0, 2),
position: posInfix,
priority: priSum,
evalFunc: evalMinus,
func diffValues(minusTerm *term, leftValue, rightValue any) (v any, err error) {
if isNumOrFract(leftValue) && isNumOrFract(rightValue) {
if IsFloat(leftValue) || IsFloat(rightValue) {
v = numAsFloat(leftValue) - numAsFloat(rightValue)
} else if isFraction(leftValue) || isFraction(rightValue) {
v, err = subAnyFract(leftValue, rightValue)
} else {
leftInt, _ := leftValue.(int64)
rightInt, _ := rightValue.(int64)
v = leftInt - rightInt
} else if IsList(leftValue) && IsList(rightValue) {
leftList, _ := leftValue.(*ListType)
rightList, _ := rightValue.(*ListType)
diffList := make(ListType, 0, len(*leftList)-len(*rightList))
for _, item := range *leftList {
if slices.Index(*rightList, item) < 0 {
diffList = append(diffList, item)
v = &diffList
} else {
err = minusTerm.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
func evalMinus(ctx ExprContext, minusTerm *term) (v any, err error) {
var leftValue, rightValue any
if leftValue, rightValue, err = minusTerm.evalInfix(ctx); err != nil {
return diffValues(minusTerm, leftValue, rightValue)
// if isNumOrFract(leftValue) && isNumOrFract(rightValue) {
// if IsFloat(leftValue) || IsFloat(rightValue) {
// v = numAsFloat(leftValue) - numAsFloat(rightValue)
// } else if isFraction(leftValue) || isFraction(rightValue) {
// v, err = subAnyFract(leftValue, rightValue)
// } else {
// leftInt, _ := leftValue.(int64)
// rightInt, _ := rightValue.(int64)
// v = leftInt - rightInt
// }
// } else if IsList(leftValue) && IsList(rightValue) {
// leftList, _ := leftValue.(*ListType)
// rightList, _ := rightValue.(*ListType)
// diffList := make(ListType, 0, len(*leftList)-len(*rightList))
// for _, item := range *leftList {
// if slices.Index(*rightList, item) < 0 {
// diffList = append(diffList, item)
// }
// }
// v = &diffList
// } else {
// err = minusTerm.errIncompatibleTypes(leftValue, rightValue)
// }
// return
// init
func init() {
registerTermConstructor(SymPlus, newPlusTerm)
registerTermConstructor(SymMinus, newMinusTerm)