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94 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Celestino Amoroso (celestino.amoroso@gmail.com).
// All rights reserved.
// operator-coalesce.go
package expr
//-------- null coalesce term
func newNullCoalesceTerm(tk *Token) (inst *term) {
return &term{
tk: *tk,
// class: classOperator,
// kind: kindUnknown,
children: make([]*term, 0, 2),
position: posInfix,
priority: priCoalesce,
evalFunc: evalNullCoalesce,
func evalNullCoalesce(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
var rightValue any
if err = self.checkOperands(); err != nil {
leftTerm := self.children[0]
if leftTerm.tk.Sym != SymIdentifier {
err = leftTerm.Errorf("left operand of %q must be a variable", self.tk.source)
if leftValue, exists := ctx.GetVar(leftTerm.source()); exists {
v = leftValue
} else if rightValue, err = self.children[1].compute(ctx); err == nil {
// if _, ok := rightValue.(Functor); ok {
// err = errCoalesceNoFunc(self.children[1])
// } else {
v = rightValue
// }
//-------- coalesce assign term
func newCoalesceAssignTerm(tk *Token) (inst *term) {
return &term{
tk: *tk,
children: make([]*term, 0, 2),
position: posInfix,
priority: priCoalesce,
evalFunc: evalAssignCoalesce,
func evalAssignCoalesce(ctx ExprContext, self *term) (v any, err error) {
var rightValue any
if err = self.checkOperands(); err != nil {
leftTerm := self.children[0]
if leftTerm.tk.Sym != SymIdentifier {
err = leftTerm.Errorf("left operand of %q must be a variable", self.tk.source)
if leftValue, exists := ctx.GetVar(leftTerm.source()); exists {
v = leftValue
} else if rightValue, err = self.children[1].compute(ctx); err == nil {
if functor, ok := rightValue.(Functor); ok {
ctx.RegisterFunc(leftTerm.source(), functor, 0, -1)
} else {
v = rightValue
ctx.setVar(leftTerm.source(), rightValue)
// utils
// func errCoalesceNoFunc(t *term) error {
// return t.Errorf("the right operand of a coalescing operation cannot be a function definition")
// }
// init
func init() {
registerTermConstructor(SymDoubleQuestion, newNullCoalesceTerm)
registerTermConstructor(SymQuestionEqual, newCoalesceAssignTerm)