ctx.AddFunc("__default",ExFuncDefault,0,-1,"Returns the flow value if not empty, else all args joined; first arg is used as separator.")
ctx.AddFunc("__get",ExFuncGet,0,2,"Returns the value of the specified variable (arg1). With no arguments it returns the value of the variable having the flow value as name (same as __get ${.}). Arg2 is the default value. ")
ctx.AddFunc("__set",ExFuncSet,1,2,"Sets the value (arg2 or flow) of the specified variables (arg1).")
ctx.AddFunc("__join",ExFuncJoin,1,-1,"Joins its args starting from the second. The first one (arg1) is the separator")
ctx.AddFunc("__lower",ExFuncLower,0,0,"Changes the flow value to lower case.")
ctx.AddFunc("__upper",ExFuncUpper,0,0,"Changes the flow value to upper case.")
ctx.AddFunc("__trim-suffix",ExFuncTrimSuffix,1,1,"Removes the specified suffix (arg1) from the flow.")